
Augmented YANGTZE

Virtual Instrument by Arturia

sell Regular Price: $99.00

diamond Real Value: $94.20

Where to buy:

Last Update: 12/21/2024, 16:33 UTC

Augmented YANGTZE product image

Product Description:

Unleash the fusion of traditional Chinese music and cutting-edge synthesis with Augmented YANGTZE by Arturia. This virtual instrument offers a rich palette of authentic Chinese instrument sounds blended with modern textures, perfect for composers and producers looking for unique sonic elements in their productions.

Key features:

• Blend of traditional Chinese instrument sounds and modern synthesis

• Wide spectrum of Chinese musical motifs and experimental textures

• Innovative processing techniques for rich and dynamic soundscapes

• Versatile tool for creating authentic Chinese-inspired music as well as contemporary electronic productions

• User-friendly interface for intuitive sound design and expression

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